Online Registration Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date *Date Of Birth *Name *FirstLastAge *Sex *MaleFemaleAddress *City *State *Zip *Phone # *Emergency #Emergency contact nameE-Mail *Have you ever trained before *YesNoIf "Yes" Where, what style, your rank and how longAny Medical ProblemsI have read this disclaimer *YesNoIt is agreed to and between the above-named student, hereafter referred to as “student” at Warriors Of American Tae Kwon Do LLC., that the student will take a course of instruction payable monthly or as otherwise written in a separate agreement. Student hereby represents that he/she is physically able to take the prescribed course of instruction and that he/she has had an opportunity to observe and or participate in the described art of American Tae Kwon Do or other orientated arts which all are described as self-defense arts, prior to the signing of this agreement. Student further acknowledges the existence of some risk of personal injury in the participation of said prescribed course of instruction, and that he/she is assuming this risk without liability to the Warriors Of American Tae Kwon Do LLC., its instructors, members, owner, or owners of the building, or grounds, by executing this agreement and participating in said course of instruction. The Warriors Of American Tae Kwon Do and said owners of property and grounds shall not be responsible for injury sustained in or on buildings or grounds of the property. The student agrees that if injured in any way during instruction, in or out of the building, that they are responsible for their own medical bills. INSTRUCTION WILL BE GIVIN AND PERFORMED AT STUDENTS OWN RISK AND LIABILITY. MessageSubmit