school info
monthly fees
Tae Kwon Do is FREE to try for two weeks along with your initial FREE private (in school) lesson and after that a low monthly fee with family rates for multiple students from the same household and NO CONTRACTS ever start or quit as you please.
Monthly lesson fees are due the 1st week of each month. Notify us if you need to make other arrangements. On testing months, the lesson fee can be paid at the same time as the testing fee. We accept cash, checks, Pay Pal or money orders. Call or e-mail for current lesson fees.
Your fee may be reduced if you can only come part time. We also offer special pricing for low income families — check with us.
Students will pay the catalog price for uniforms if they decide to join. Which includes your first belt and school patch. Call or e-mail for current pricing.
Your monthly Tae Kwon Do lesson fee includes unlimited classes a week. All classes last one hour.
Please come to your assigned class so we can keep them at a manageable size. It is OK to come to an earlier or later class if circumstances arise — you don’t need to call first. However, if you find that you need to switch classes for an extended period of time, notify us and we will find a way to accommodate you.
Tests are given during class unless a large number of students are all ready to test at the same time, in which case a night may be designated for testing only and no classes will be held.
No one will be permitted to test unless we feel they are ready. Students will be required to complete a certain number of classes before testing. If you miss a lot, you may fall into testing every other time.
There is a small testing fee which includes any new belts or patches along with a certificate. Ask us for the current testing fees.
Pine Boards for testing: #2 grade, 1x12x12 are required at testing for students 12 & over. Children under 12 usually need boards 1x12x6. On the 6″ boards, make sure the grain runs across the 6 inch width. See us for details. It is up to you to purchase the wood. On test nights (or during regular classes), relatives or friends are welcome to come and watch. Cameras & camcorders are permitted.
Most tests are conducted during class, but sometimes a night is set aside just for testing. Students will test in groups, with the lowest ranks going first. Students testing for Black Belt may test anytime throughout the evening in any group. It normally takes 30-45 minutes to test each group (Black Belt tests may lengthen that time). Students may leave after their group has tested or stay to watch & help out.